SLAA Service Opportunities
The Twelfth Step of SLAA states: “Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to sex and love addicts, and to practice these principles in all areas of our lives.”
Many members understand the value and reap the rewards of "giving back" to the SLAA community, either locally or through committee membership on a national level. Here are some suggestions as to how you can volunteer service within SLAA.
Many members understand the value and reap the rewards of "giving back" to the SLAA community, either locally or through committee membership on a national level. Here are some suggestions as to how you can volunteer service within SLAA.
- Attend a meeting: First and foremost, SLAA simply would not exist if people didn't show up for meetings. Even if you feel like you don't have anything to say or share, hearing other people share their stories not only offers support, but can often be beneficial for all.
- Share during a meeting: It's been said that "we're only as sick as our secrets." Sharing our struggles (and successes!) can be cleansing and cathartic. Much of the success in overcoming sex and love addiction is understanding that You Are Not Alone.
- Chair a meeting: If you are a member of a group that seeks volunteers to chair meetings, this is a wonderful way to serve as an unofficial 'greeter' for an SLAA meeting. Typically you are responsible for getting the meeting room ready, having literature and supplies available, soliciting volunteers for reading, welcoming newcomers and keeping the meeting running as scheduled.
- Add your name to the phone list: For groups that keep phone lists (first name/last initial only), being available to take a phone call from a member who may be struggling is a benevolent way to offer support.
- Become a sponsor: "You Are Not Alone" is often the first thing said to new members. Putting that slogan into action by becoming a sponsor is one of the best way a sober SLAA member can give back to the community. You've been there - done it - and can share your own personal experience, strength and hope with those who may still be struggling.
- Participate in Group Conscience meetings: Many SLAA groups have established an organizational hierarchy within them so as to efficiently conduct the "business" of SLAA (purchase materials, schedule meetings, choose meeting locations, appoint an Intergroup representative, etc). Group Conscience meetings allow members to choose trusted servants to perform these tasks. Showing up and participating in Group Conscience meetings are a great opportunity for individuals who have management and/or organizational skills to serve the SLAA community.
- Share your story at a Speaker Meeting: Speaker meetings allow the recovering addict share their experience, strength and hope by telling their story (what happened, what it was like, and what it's like now).
- Attend monthly Intergroup meetings: Each SLAA group in the DFW area has a representative who is also a member of the Augustine Fellowship North Texas Intergroup. Intergroup meetings are open to any SLAA member to attend, but only elected or appointed members may vote on procedural/administrative items. Intergroup meetings typically take place at 10 AM on a Saturday at various SLAA DFW locations. Please see the homepage of for information on the next Intergroup meeting.
- Become an Intergroup representative: If you are interesting in becoming a member of the Intergroup, please speak with your current Intergroup representative or send a request to [email protected]
- Submit your writing to the Journal: Share your story! The Journal is a meeting in a magazine and is always interested in new submissions to share with its subscribers. Deadlines and writing topics can be found here.
- Join and participate in a SLAA committee:
- Attend the Annual Business Meeting (ABM):