Free Issue of the Journal
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This issue was specially compiled for those who have never heard of S.L.A.A. and for healthcare professionals who might carry our message of recovery to their patients. What’s the Journal? It’s our ‘meeting in print.’ Each issue offers ‘lead shares’ written by recovering sex and love addicts — exactly the same kinds of sharing you might hear at any S.L.A.A. meeting.
Included here are personal shares selected from the past three years of the Journal that address prevalent problems in our culture such as isolation, pornography, objectification, casual sex, adultery, lack of intimacy, dysfunctional relationships, delusional fantasies and erotic / romantic obsession.
You may print your own personal copies of this issue, which may be freely distributed to friends and family members, to S.L.A.A. newcomers and sponsees, and to hospitals and institutions including addiction treatment centers, sober living facilities, and therapy office waiting rooms.
Printing Instructions:
You may download and save the pdf file and print it. Specify Double-Sided printing, with 2 pages per sheet, scaled to fit.