Let's get you acquainted with how S.L.A.A. operates and give you some suggestions for recovery from this disease. You are embarking on a life-changing process where your most fundamental beliefs and habits of thought will be challenged on a daily basis. Our path is not easy, but please be assured by those who have walked it before you, the rewards you will reap are great beyond your wildest imaginings.
Recovery from sex and love addiction can be precarious and sometimes painful, but when we proceed honestly through the twelve steps, we discover a new hope and happiness that makes it all worthwhile. Our experience has shown time and again that we can't recover on our own. The great paradox of our program is that we need other addicts for us to recover from our addiction. Please join us as we trudge our road of happy destiny. |
"We become willing |
Need to know more?
• What is sex and love addiction? • Suggestions for newcomers • Meeting info for newcomers • S.L.A.A. terminology |
Here is some of our literature, which may be helpful: